No kind of rain
Falls in the distance
No wind to carry fortunes
Or even weary wings home
There are dark birds
That emerge
From far corners
There is little steady kindness
From the turning of the earth
The seasons chafe
As if the earth itself
Was running dry
And I remember the promise,
That once again
Creation will run free
And our work
Will be our delight
And every child
And woman
And man,
And even every animal,
Will know,
And live,
And move
As if nothing would dare come against us
And our dignity
Is not assigned
Or even earned
But comes wrapped
And buried
And sometimes hidden
In existence.
But it is there,
And knows no boundaries.
And no time
Or rain
Or even loss
Can blur the bright edge
Between existence and the final dream.
It is enough
To breathe
And walk on
As if we could carry
This burdensome spark forever.
*Morf Morford is a Tacoma based observer, listener and sometimes-instigator. He enjoys the odd and unexplored corners of life