This old house has stood for nearly 100 years It was occupied by Italian immigrants in 1917 It housed families during the great depression It has seen troops return from two world wars
This old house was built from the forests of the Pacific Northwest Its beams are thick and sturdy Its floors are old growth Douglas Fir Its roof grows moss if not well maintained
This old house is in a historic neighborhood It has been the home of the Crips gang It has fallen into disrepair It has been lovingly restored
This old house is guarded by lion statues in the front Its old Bay Laurel tree in the back is home to a nest of crows It is in a vibrant, revitalized community It is surrounded by friendly, caring, proactive neighbors
This old house will be warm and welcoming it will host many holiday gatherings it will offer hospitality to friends, family and neighbors it will be filled with love
This old house is flawed This old house is beautiful This house is a work in progress This old house is loved
If only this old house could talk
*L. Lisa Lawrence, aka The Wild Celtic Rose, is an artist based on Tacoma’s Hilltop working in fire, ceramics, glass, dance, theater, written/spoken word, mixed media, fiber and photography. Like what you see? Visit her website*